Sunday, June 27, 2010

I brought my right shoe everywhere I went for the first four days. I was convinced God wanted to display His glory by miraculously healing my ankle. Today, ten days later, I finally threw the shoe to the back of the closet, not in a surrender of hope but a surrender of my plan, for His.

My "ten-day" began with a tenth of second, a mere moment that has replayed over and over in my mind. I heard it break, in a second both my ankle and dreams for the summer cracked, leaving me more than ever aware of my brokenness.

"What the heck, God!" "Are You serious?" "Am I goign to have to wait twenty years hignsight to understand why this happened?" "Lord, I was going to meet You on the moutain tops." I would flip through the pages of my bible, not knowing where to begin. Job offered me company in my questions. Although i found space to struggle in first thirty chapters, like Job my questions of "why" were left unaswered as God responded with the ultimate one-up "Where were you when I laid the fundation fo the earth?" A come-back that would cause a jr high classroom to erupt in "oooo, you got burned!" And I'll admit, God does make a good point. So, at the end of the day I have I ended up just where Job did, throwing in my right shoe and surrendering to God's plan.

1 comment:

Lauren Miller said...

I love this! Thank you for honestly sharing where you are in all of this craziness.