Saturday, February 7, 2009

my broken places

I haven’t written in months, yet I can hardly contain the passion that has filled me. I have been redeemed. And just beginning to understand what that really means. I have been in the process of telling my secrets for the past two years. Slowly I have continued to share the dark corners of my life. With each exposure, the Lord’s presence is undeniable. Each time I share the problem, insecurity or place of shame, it shrinks. As healing takes place I can begin to point out my imperfections with pride, for my old wounds are now evidence of the Lord’s touch. Each scar becomes a memory of where the Lord reached down and transformed my life.

I have seen the work of a Redeemer as the Lord heals my broken places, but He hasn’t stopped there. He has begun something even more incredible. He has begun to use those places that used to fill me with shame to heal others! Pulling me out of dark places and using the parts of myself I hate the most to help bring others out of their own darkness. Allowing me to share in others joy as they too are redeemed.

1 comment:

Lauren Miller said...

I am so thrilled you are going through this process. You are a constant reminder to me that God is full of joy and love.